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Choosing a Commercial Door

If you are building or remodeling your office or store, customer appeal is an important factor in your decision making. Remember that the "face" and the efficiency of the entrance to your business has a lot to do with how people will judge your competence and legitimacy.

There are a number of questions you need to ask yourself. For example: How many exterior and interior doors do I need to accommodate my clients and my business efficiently? What styles of doors will serve our business best? Which doors need to match? Would manual or automatic doors be more suitable for my clientele and employees? Or will I need some of both?

How Many Doors will You Need?

Every business needs at least one front entrance. Back doors are desirable as an emergency exit, especially when the emergency is near the front door. Any other doors will depend on the type of business you have. There are endless uses for doors. You may need doors for “employees only” areas, conference rooms, classrooms, hotel rooms, hospital rooms, offices, utility closets, and bathrooms.

If you need interior doors, you will need to decide whether you want to use residential interior doors, which you can buy at a home improvement store, or whether you want commercial interior doors, which you can purchase from a commercial door installer, like The Door Doctors. Commercial interior doors can lend a more professional look to your business.

You will also want to consider which, if any, doorways will have enough traffic, or large enough deliveries to merit putting in double doors.

What Types of Doors Do You Need?

Most businesses need a number of different types of commercial doors. If, for example, your business requires people to carry or roll things in or out, like grocery stores, hotels, hospitals or airports, you would definitely want one or more automatic doors. There are different types of automatic doors to choose from. They include sliding doors, swinging doors, revolving doors, and folding doors. Many businesses want at least one handicap door to accommodate their physically challenged clients.

There are also a variety of manual doors to choose from. Again, different types of doors are made for different situations and effects. Glass doors, both the swing and sliding kind, are used for expanded view both at the entrance of buildings as well as inside buildings. Main entrances that open directly into a comfortable, classy lobby, for example, might use glass doors to attract customers. Wooden doors are often used for offices and wherever privacy is desired, while secure metal doors are often used at back entrances where security is a priority.

And finally, to prevent temperature instability and to prevent harmful drafts caused by entrance doors opening and closing, businesses often choose to either build a vestibule around their front entrances where a draft would be undesirable, or they may put in a revolving door.

Whatever your entrance needs, The Door Doctors can supply them. We sell, install, repair, or maintain doors and door hardware.

Find out why The Door Doctors are rated A+ by the Denver Better Business Bureau.

If you have any questions or would like a free estimate for your door project, please either…

  • Call us at (303) 408-2702,
  • Click on the seal below for a Free Estimate Request,
  • Or email us.